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Staining & Gap Filling

With our wood floor repairs service, we always aim to find matching products for your type of flooring

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Staining & Gap Filling

It is often the case that wood floor restoration requires some repairs - replacement of floor boards due to damage or refitting. We do wood floor repairs designed for each individual flooring need, whether it is wood floor repairs of engineered flooring, solid wood flooring, parquet flooring or repairs of pine floorboards. With our wood floor repairs service, we always aim to find matching products for your type of flooring so that you floors can look as good as new with our professional wood floor repair service.

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Stains can be used to change the colour of the wood. Darkening a pine floor is an example. In contrast to paint, stains emphasize the wood's natural beauty rather than hiding it. It is preferable to stain and varnish the wood in two stages rather than using a coloured varnish. The sealer will last a lot longer, and you'll have much more control over the colour. As the varnish or sealer gradually wears away, the floor beneath will remain the same colour.

Paint or coloured wax (such as Blanch on lime wax) can also be used to create a subtle tint that allows you to see the wood grain.

Staining on Wooden Floor

Wood flooring may clash with any changes you make to your furniture. Neither the floor nor the furniture can be replaced. Staining the floors the same colour as the furniture is another wise decision. Once the floor has been buffed, it must be stained, and then the finish applied to complete the process.


A gap-filled floor gives the appearance of uniformity, but it is not always necessary. In addition to preventing draughts, filling gaps will also keep dust from accruing. It will also prevent the timber from moving because it tightens the floor.

Typical gap-filling methods depend on the width of the gap and the estimated floor activity:

• Resin is used primarily for parquet and mosaic floors with numerous small gaps. Filling gaps requires mixing fine floor dust with a resin and applying it with a filling knife.

• A substantial fillet strip of recovered pine and other timbers is bonded, pressed into the gaps, and then chiselled away before being sanded flat.

If you would like a free estimate for your wooden floor, send us an email or give us a call. Additionally, we can demonstrate a variety of coloured waxes and stains so that you can choose the ones that are most suitable for your needs.

The most popular and well-liked type of flooring continues to be wood, which contributes to the aesthetic value of a home. Over time, any floor will start to show wear and tear. In this case, most of you will have to either replace your wood flooring or face a dilemma. It is a major decision, and you should take the time to carefully consider the extent of the damages and hire a professional to help you.

Gap Filling of Wood Floors

Wood floors are susceptible to expansion and contraction due to fluctuating weather conditions. As a consequence, gaps and fractures in the wood floor are quite common. The gap between the floor and the wall must be filled, and this should be done by professionals. Parquet floor sanding experts use different techniques to eliminate gaps in these types of floors. For the gaps between hardwood planks, resin and sawdust are usually applied as fillers. Keep in mind, however, that the filler used to cover gaps in wood floors does not need to stay in place permanently.

Dust-Free Sandin

First Class Floors and Sanding does not use old-fashioned drum sanders like those utilized by some competitor companies. Instead, we use dust-free continuous belt equipment. Dust is kept at a minimum by following our equipment around with a mobile extraction unit.

The safer the environment, the better it will be for your family. Normally, dust particles from standard sanding will linger in the air for days afterwards. Even though dust can't be avoided, vacuuming frequently and masking/screening can reduce it. Bosch tools and edging sanders can reach right into the corners for thorough and even sanding.

Dustless floor sanding is performed in three steps:

• With coarse-grade paper, we sand the entire surface. As a result, any old finishes, as well as dents and pits in the wood, will be removed.

• If your floor has never been refinished, there may still be some Victorian shellac (discolouration around the edges) on the sanding pad, which causes the pad to clog quickly. The surface is lightly sanded by hand using a paper of medium grade.

• Last but not least, fine-textured sandpaper is used to remove any remaining flaws, creating a smooth, silky finish.

If you have questions about our sanding services, please don't hesitate to contact us.

We offer free quotes and estimates, so please give us a call or send us an email.

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With high-quality sanding and finishing services, you can extend the life of your gorgeous hardwood floors.

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